Yeah, I don't read anywhere in the Book of all Books that good wins over evil until the 2nd coming of our Lord. The KEY to watch is Israel and what is happening there. Ezk. 38-39 is the trigger and all the players are there TOGETHER for the first time in history.
It's happening. If we can overturn a Town Counsel election; we can overturn our Presidential one. Amen.
Gotta return those diamonds. Thieves dont get to keep what was stolen.
NO they don't.
LIGHT always Trumps EVIL.
Yeah, I don't read anywhere in the Book of all Books that good wins over evil until the 2nd coming of our Lord. The KEY to watch is Israel and what is happening there. Ezk. 38-39 is the trigger and all the players are there TOGETHER for the first time in history.
Then we'll just have to learn the Jedi ways and beat them.