Good answer, we are beholden to one, the constitution had this in mind when written. You only control what you create, the people created government. The government created citizens. Where do you/all stand. The gov. pandering and crying falls on deaf ears here. StayFrostyFren.
Engineer, no deep knowledge of civics or philology. Thank you, I will continue extra curricular studies.
Consumed at times by the perverse and conspiratorial.
It may help to study quantum grammar and brush up on sovereign citizenry, but keep those reload presses clicking.
Good answer, we are beholden to one, the constitution had this in mind when written. You only control what you create, the people created government. The government created citizens. Where do you/all stand. The gov. pandering and crying falls on deaf ears here. StayFrostyFren.
Engineer, no deep knowledge of civics or philology. Thank you, I will continue extra curricular studies. Consumed at times by the perverse and conspiratorial.