what i mean by that is . you and i don't know him personally. in my point of view i don't trust kyle. i haven't from the start. i don't know a single person who would go to a riot with a gun to defend anything. that's like my friends pulling out their guns and going to the riots that were near me. its just unheard of.
ill be really honest with all of you here. i see this case as a massive honey pot everything about the lin wood drama stinks to high heaven
the fact that all 3 people he shot at were criminals and one of them was just released a day before makes me believe it was all setup like that so the patriots will scream at the top of their lungs. what better way to make a patriots heart swoon then to have the people that died be criminals. it gave us an easy narrative to distract ourselves with
i take everything with a grain of salt.
the only concrete things i know for sure are: the mask doesn't work and the vaccine kills. both of these i witnessed first hand. aside from that i don't trust lin wood. i don't trust flynn. i don't trust powell. i don't trust them all. I DONT KNOW THEM and neither do most of us. some have maybe exchanged words with those people but as a whole we don't know who these people are or what their thinking on the day to day
im making this post because im seeing people starting to poke holes in this story and i wanted to remind everyone TO QUESTION EVERYTHING. just because on the surface everything seemed like self defense doesn't mean there aren't other things happening behind the scenes
I don’t really give a shit about all the distractions with the whole soap opera drama situation. It’s a joke and not worth my time and I have established a pretty good bullshit filter and from what I’ve seen I agree with you that this was something other than what it was. If Kyle doesn’t turn around and press charges on his attackers for attempted murder, that says everything you need to know. I applaud you for questioning things and seeing bullshit in them, but what I would like to help you with is your lack of courage and understanding. I get it that you may not have a bone in the fight in these instances of riots but for you to give that opening opinion towards others who do is quite an ignorant statement. Let me shed the spirit of “kings mountain” upon your statement and hopefully it inspires you to maybe one day risk your neck to protect your community.
“Horse thieves will be hung on site“ If we need to revert to the old ways because our police and sheriffs are compromised then so be it.
If a mob of paid foreigners (mercenaries) were bussed into my community for the sake of violence and destruction of businesses (I.e the robbing and pillaging of people’s livelihoods and their ability to provide for their families) then yes, the regulators in my community would mount up and meet these nimwit cowards with violence if necessary, And yes we would be heavily armed. Peace through strength my friend. I am sorry you have been surrounded your whole life by jelly spined yellow bellies who never taught you how to stand up to tyranny. Do you think it’s a coincidence that these riots never made it outside of their police escorted protection within corrupted cities where people like you reside? They know that if they tried to roam outside of that protection and try and destroy someone’s property they would get slaughtered or at least beat down and hogtied. Yes blm tried to protest here and yes people rallied with guns and posted up in their businesses to make sure they remained polite and peaceful. And yes they were polite and peaceful, imagine that. History is the story of people kicking in your door to kill you, rape your wife, enslave your children and take what you have. Prepare yourself because we are entering the age where “men have become a law unto themselves”.
“It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”
ill give some context. im in nyc. you already know how nyc is with guns. in nyc. if you try to help with ANYTHING it always goes south. its sad but sometimes when you end up helping in this city you end up getting dragged down with them. everyone here knows to stay away from big crowds like that. everyone in the city rioting were not the everyday working stiffs. they were hooligans, thieves, you name it. i feel bad for the store owners but there was nothing you can do. a lot of us in the city are better off staying out of the psychical stuff and fight with words from afar because going out and trying to be a hero will only end up in suffering
HOWEVER if i see an opportunity to be a hero where it matters i will do it. i do not cower. i do speak up when i can but i cant go running into every burning building if you get what i mean
I do understand completely and I applaud you for being in the belly of the beast holding the views you do. That is both commendable and courageous. The Socratic method is an essential weapon these days. I lived in Seattle for a decade until about 2012 and know what it is to constantly battle with the sycophant hatred that goes beyond rationality, although I did enjoy the confrontation and especially enjoy it when the screws came loose when they run out of regurgitated ammunition because the truth has dissolved their spoon fed perception of reality. Although these days I believe its at risk of getting stabbed in the face over it. I eventually moved to the hills and dialed back the gung-ho always moving lifestyle and it has brought me to a much more rewarding and peaceful state of being. Just know you have plenty of hillbilly friends out in the countryside who are armed to the teeth and would gladly lend you a cup of sugar or who would be willing to posse up to protect your family and business. “There is no greater gift a man can give, than to lay down his life for his friend.”
The laws of the city aren’t necessarily the laws of the land if you catch my drift.