This like everything else they've tried will fail. It's already failed as far as I can see. It's being mocked and ridiculed openly and people who are freaking out over it are being laughed at. People are actually waking up to the lies are are saying "OMG really another variant?!".
Oh hell yeah, Alex Jones.... I've really died and gone to hell....seriously Alex Jones, FUCKING KING of BULL SHIT.....moving on, GAW seems to be stuck in AJ land of ffs, crisis actors and scripted EVERYTHING...Come out of the propaganda cave, it's ok.
Omicron is what they are going to use on the morons that took the vax and are dying. "Oh! Look, Omicron spread by the unvaxxed!"
Lying fucks.
This like everything else they've tried will fail. It's already failed as far as I can see. It's being mocked and ridiculed openly and people who are freaking out over it are being laughed at. People are actually waking up to the lies are are saying "OMG really another variant?!".
Pillow guy hinted at the plan with his coupon code NOQ.
Nu, Omicron, Quarantine
Oh hell yeah, Alex Jones.... I've really died and gone to hell....seriously Alex Jones, FUCKING KING of BULL SHIT.....moving on, GAW seems to be stuck in AJ land of ffs, crisis actors and scripted EVERYTHING...Come out of the propaganda cave, it's ok.
"Doom doom doom and doom, that's what makes the mooooooney." -Alex Jones