I've always believed that understanding "how the world really works" has to be done very delicately, or at least gradually, in order to get a clearer "big picture."
That's how the journey's been for me, and I know for many of you as well. Nearly everyone in this forum has some years of experience with the idea that something is really, really wrong with the world. Some people here are on the not so great side of it as well.
That said, I ran into this great post about Glenn Beck by GoGoOptomistic earlier and it brought back all these examples of times where I picked up on something really big from someone. In each case, it's about something that doesn't fit the narrative, aka it's controversial. It starts out with sources that aren't as well known, and it gradually works its way up to a larger and larger audience.
Now, this sounds an awful lot like the way politicians do "trial balloons." The key difference is the trial balloons are simple concepts devoid of detail; if those balloons pop, it's back to the drawing board.
The difference between redpills and trial balloons is that redpills are based on facts and hard data. Facts and hard data don't need to be repackaged, or rebranded, or have another layer of phony applied. Instead, they have to be explained gradually to the public.
Occasionally, a lot of information happens all at once, but not all of it. Even then, the event in question means different things to different people.
Remember it was about ten years ago or so when Rush started talking about "the establishment?" Or the MSM talking about "the birther movement?" Those are just a couple examples - Rush was shining a tiny light on what the elites were all about, MSM (elites) were trying to shame millions of people for wrongthink.
Remember how verboten the Wuhan involvement was considered, just a few months ago in the mainstream? Bit by bit, things are coming out about it. Now that Glenn Beck's laying it down, including details and citing sources, we can begin to measure to what degree this particular redpill has informed the public.
Bongino's been doing this for quite sometime about Spygate, and look how far the general public has come about understanding it, the Russian collusion thing is completely in the toilet, as it should be. It's not just because he's been talking about it for a long time, it's that he's got a lot of clout, and the truth gets out there, even if it seems slow.
There are almost 5000 Q posts and the Q team spent over three years putting them together and sending them out. If it took three years plus, and for some who started figuring things out there, or people who've been paying attention for much longer, to still be brainstorming - that means the rest of the world is going to start figuring it out really quick. Think of all the normie celebs that have been ringing their little red alarm clocks lately.
Keep those normies are waking up posts coming. It's nice to see people getting wise to how the world really works.
I am trying to redpill one of my normie friends. This person votes republican but knows nothing about any issues. The more I say this person distances themself from me. They cannot handle alot and still relies heavily on their parents to problem solve (an adult, 52 yr). The reality of the situation, all of it (child trafficking, lies, deceit, religion, time travel, new technology, med beds, pedophelia, cover ups) just all of it is hard to accept. So why do I believe? Why can I accept it? Am I overthinking? I knew child trafficking and pedophelia existed. Never to this degree. Everything revolves around these sicko's and covering up their disgusting ways. It is hard to go about life knowing all this evil exists. If I didn't have God I would have crumbled by now.
It's good to start just with common ground. Given the enormity of everything, bits and pieces can go a long way. Even with ourselves. I overthink much of the time too, there's not as much time to chew on things lately, so to speak. Just remember God's got your back.
I kind of feel that way as well. Not much time left. I just worry this person won't handle things well. Our reality is not our reality. I will be here for the after part. That is my role along with trying to red pill. Thank you for your response fren.
I just show people the snake head picture of the vatican, blows them away more than any other.