There is the city of la and the county of la. The city is totally captured (police-wise) but the county has a free-thinking sheriff (God Bless him.) The city employees are being forced to test with another company called Bluestone. Bluestone is owned by a sitting City Commissioner. He got a 3 million dollar no-bid (cuz the RONA!) contract to test city employees who have requested an exemption. they're forcing those who are not vaccinated to pay out of pocket for tests two times a week. This is while they are working from home (so, not infecting anyone). And you can get a FREE test via the County or use health insurance. but the city won't allow that, instead pushing Bluestone. Bluestone also sends all your data to ChYna. It's in their privacy policy.
Oh and they're not testing the vaccinated, just the unvaxxed. even though the vaccinated can spread the rona. it's just punitive, to punish the free thinkers!
There is the city of la and the county of la. The city is totally captured (police-wise) but the county has a free-thinking sheriff (God Bless him.) The city employees are being forced to test with another company called Bluestone. Bluestone is owned by a sitting City Commissioner. He got a 3 million dollar no-bid (cuz the RONA!) contract to test city employees who have requested an exemption. they're forcing those who are not vaccinated to pay out of pocket for tests two times a week. This is while they are working from home (so, not infecting anyone). And you can get a FREE test via the County or use health insurance. but the city won't allow that, instead pushing Bluestone. Bluestone also sends all your data to ChYna. It's in their privacy policy.
Oh and they're not testing the vaccinated, just the unvaxxed. even though the vaccinated can spread the rona. it's just punitive, to punish the free thinkers!