Wife drove by Dakota County Technical College in Rosemount, MN where Biden is speaking this afternoon at 3:30pm already 100 people gathered, bunch of Trump flags… City of Rosemount put out a post last night, but the comments were disabled. I wonder where else he stopping because they land at 1:30 PM and it only takes about 20 minutes to get from the airport to Rosemount. Assuming they’re going there because it’s the most out-of-the-way area near the Twin Cities it’s literally out in the country.
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Going to head down there now I’m About an hour away. Where is this taking place?
Awesome thank you! Leaving my house now glad I saw this post!
Was a pretty good turn out I would say. Im terrible at guessing crowd sizes, but I’d say at least 400 people. I saw less than 10 Biden supporters.
I couldn’t stay long as I had to get back home, but I was there while he arrived. Seemed like people were sticking around for once he was done. I’m sure more people showed up as the end of the workday was nearing.
Dakota Co Votech on Co Rd 42 in Rosemount. I guess area is crowded.
That is great! Hope there will be 100's more :)
Keep the kids away from your local Ice cream shop.