What I dont get about this propaganda is that it's obvious when Trump announced his run, literally the entire deep State went full on attack mode. They had to resort to outright lies just to have a daily headline.
Yet not one single word or question about Trump and his knowing Epstein came out until years into his Presidency.
Wouldn't it make sense to bring something like that up if there was anything there, IDK like right after Trump announcement? He wouldn't have made it to the Primaries.
No instead it was ignored until Epstein could no longer be ignored then ALL OF A SUDDEN
Are you assuming he's supposed to be a mind reader or a future teller? This was back in the 90's. It wasn't widly known yet who this man really was.
I'm going to look into that. Pedo's show their colors early in life. I bet they all knew in the 70's and 80's Epstein was a piece of shit pedo.
What I dont get about this propaganda is that it's obvious when Trump announced his run, literally the entire deep State went full on attack mode. They had to resort to outright lies just to have a daily headline.
Yet not one single word or question about Trump and his knowing Epstein came out until years into his Presidency.
Wouldn't it make sense to bring something like that up if there was anything there, IDK like right after Trump announcement? He wouldn't have made it to the Primaries.
No instead it was ignored until Epstein could no longer be ignored then ALL OF A SUDDEN
It's obviously a sad attempt to deflect.
Also - remember when Julian Assange was asked what dirt there was on Trump and he said "there is none".