posted ago by Goingmustang ago by Goingmustang +17 / -0


Andre @[email protected] Thread

In response to this thread by @JFAnon:


Which was a response to the first of four chapters of a substack by @SLAG, I wrote this thread:


At the end of that thread, @h53pilot wrote a series of comments that are worthy of their own thread and immediately tempt me to write a response.

I am going to write this thread by quoting @h53pilot and responding as I go along.

I am digging the evolution of this style of a rapid exchange of ideas!

1+ 21h

Andre @[email protected] @h53pilot wrote:

The problem with this theory is that if the MIL could choose Trump, they could also un-choose him when they wanted as well.

Therefore, under this theory, Trump has never been in control of anything. And we have been "devolved" since before Trump was ever selected.

The implications of this are jarring to say the least.

Where is the representative republic in all this? For years, if this theory is correct. They are owners of the federal government AND this mess we're in.

1+ 21h

Andre @[email protected] I do not think that MIL 'chose' Trump in the sense of a coronation. Once it was determined that there was no option save for heading into a Constitutional crisis necessitating a novelty to extract the Republic from the emergency, I'd imagine that a number of prospective candidates for such an unprecedented collaboration were identified, vetted, and ultimately Trump was the one judged most capable of pulling off the role.

Further, and very importantly if this is to be a legal, Constitutional...

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