I take everything Lin says with a grain of salt, knowing that sometimes he says things that are intended to be outrageous in order to draw out certain individuals. We should keep in mind that he may be reading the actions of others wrongly. He may be self-deluded. Or, he may be working with the people he is accusing to draw out others. In time, we will know for sure.
Any examples - even imagined ones - of Lin drawing out a specific individual and something happening as a result? Because I can't see that he's accomplished anything.
Sure, any of us can say he's "moving pieces on the chess board behind the scenes" without a single shred of evidence. You know, like for the last 5 years.
I take everything Lin says with a grain of salt, knowing that sometimes he says things that are intended to be outrageous in order to draw out certain individuals. We should keep in mind that he may be reading the actions of others wrongly. He may be self-deluded. Or, he may be working with the people he is accusing to draw out others. In time, we will know for sure.
Any examples - even imagined ones - of Lin drawing out a specific individual and something happening as a result? Because I can't see that he's accomplished anything.
Sure, any of us can say he's "moving pieces on the chess board behind the scenes" without a single shred of evidence. You know, like for the last 5 years.