I can't see the truth about the tunnels at Epstein island ever being revealed to public. It is too horrific. I sent emails to MPs parliament Dominic Cummings and others showing a phone vid of naked people sat on buckets in one of the tunnels layers. I won't go into what was on table or the details of adrenachrome harvesting from little kids and babies. The royals are not letting all that come out about their satanic practises. Rest assured house of lords sunak etc all got to see it as did Mhra who took personal money gifts from gates ..the licencing panel Oxford team etc etc up to nearly a billion ..it was all given out on bitchute who got what when bill gates was hacked and I could not have been the only whistleblower. Nothing happened. No one replied. Same with NHS. The corruption is total unless of course in investigations are proceeding we don't know about.
Kate Middleton was into spirit cooking and for that you a tally eat and drink the most disgusting things. Did she think it was funny to dress like the woman in Rosemary's baby holding the antichrist? They think we are stupid. I cannot see how anyone royal could not be part of the cult and the rituals..they couldn't allow anyone the ab ility to rat them out. The queen and Philip have an arrest warrant out on them for the children they picked out for a picnic and never seen again. the courts are her courts under maritime law ..don't think common law though so now there is an international task force and back up perhaps justice will start being carried out. The fake queen died 2018 we are told but who knows.
nuttin to hide just keep it covered up..........lol
I can't see the truth about the tunnels at Epstein island ever being revealed to public. It is too horrific. I sent emails to MPs parliament Dominic Cummings and others showing a phone vid of naked people sat on buckets in one of the tunnels layers. I won't go into what was on table or the details of adrenachrome harvesting from little kids and babies. The royals are not letting all that come out about their satanic practises. Rest assured house of lords sunak etc all got to see it as did Mhra who took personal money gifts from gates ..the licencing panel Oxford team etc etc up to nearly a billion ..it was all given out on bitchute who got what when bill gates was hacked and I could not have been the only whistleblower. Nothing happened. No one replied. Same with NHS. The corruption is total unless of course in investigations are proceeding we don't know about.
Kate Middleton was into spirit cooking and for that you a tally eat and drink the most disgusting things. Did she think it was funny to dress like the woman in Rosemary's baby holding the antichrist? They think we are stupid. I cannot see how anyone royal could not be part of the cult and the rituals..they couldn't allow anyone the ab ility to rat them out. The queen and Philip have an arrest warrant out on them for the children they picked out for a picnic and never seen again. the courts are her courts under maritime law ..don't think common law though so now there is an international task force and back up perhaps justice will start being carried out. The fake queen died 2018 we are told but who knows.
What dark fun he looks to be having.