When did washington use DURHAM boats to cross the Delaware in what became the first major victory of the revolutionary war?
Thats right christmas day.
Is dan hinting at the fact that Q/Q+ is preparing to use durham indictments on christmas day when all these corrupt fucks are sitting at home enjoying themselves? Honestly we dont know but would be amazing if true.
There is zero logical reason to telegraph when any part of the plan is supposed to take place. Remember Trump said that he was going to defeat ISIS by just not telling them what the MIL we going to do, and it worked for the desert-rats ISIS, and I expect the same with the worshippers of Moloch and Isis.
I thought the date faggung happened to get them to play chicken and conduct and release more ammo or ff fuckery
That's right. It's not for us patriots to get our cameras ready or schedule our dental appointments around. It's just to drive the black hats nuts.