I know this sucks, it sucks for all of us. Stop looking to courts or politicians to fix this. Do not comply and hold the fucking line! They are desparate to force the jab on us. Why so desperate? Like they need us to take it very soon or they lose. I can't explain how that logic would work, but it feels like they must have us take the jab.
If the cabal was in full control they could be more patient. They are flailing and lashing out.
We will win. hold the damn line! Whatever happens next may not be our plan or Q's plan, but it is God's plan. And I know God wants me to defend my country, defend my family, and defend Jesus' holy name. We will win brothers and sisters, continue holding the line until it is time to fight. You will know if that time is upon us.
Edit: P.S. I am not shitting on doomers, I have been in their shoes from time to time.
i'm hoping the numbers of supposedly vaxxed are fake. some people here are pointing out that the Matrix scammers are trying to make us feel vastly outnumbered, when perhaps the no vaxxers plus the no more vaxxers actually constitute the majority. The hard pushing from our politicians and MSM means they don't have the jab numbers they were hoping to have at this point. They have to get the shots in us before too many people wake up. And you notice they are trying to scare with more stupid variants and a necessity of ever more boosters (die you useless eaters die!) They are going for broke because they know it is do or die time for them. If they fail, they will not get another chance to implement their program, and they will have to scramble in an attempt to save their own skins. I believe their master satan is trying to defeat Christ by destroying as many of Christ's people as possible before Christ's return. Well, not gonna happen. We are living in times like Noah and Lot--massive evil. Yet God saved a small remnant before judgment fell. Eight in Noah's time and 3 in Lot's time. Those are symbolic numbers. Since we don't know the timing of Christ's return, perhaps we should focus on urging people to get on the "ark" and buckle up. There is safety in Christ no matter what happens. On another note, i keep reading on here that Trump's warp speed messed with the timing of the Agenda 2030. We were supposed to be on rolling lockdowns until about 2025 while they finished their vaccine development. All they can do now is scream "more boosters, more boosters!" which is actually waking some people up. I'm kinda wondering how many boosters some people have to take before they figure out something is wrong.