The first thing a Hilary Administration would do, would be to confiscate all the guns owned by all the citizens, then the round-up would begin. The only thing standing between freedom and concentration camps is a well armed population. NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS.
Using the cover of mass confusion and "terrorists" to roll out the military/alphabet agents on American's using gun registries and internet logs/lists...
Yes. The first thing a Hilary Administration would do, would be to confiscate all the guns owned by all the citizens, then the round-up would begin. The only thing standing between freedom and concentration camps is a well armed population. NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS.
We didn’t with lockdowns, corona and masks. They have no reason to think we would resist tbh
Not everyone complied. But it’s okay if they don’t believe we will resist.
They are in for a real surprise.
Uranium 1 North Korea
Dirty bombs, destabilization...
Probably chemical/bio attacks as well.
C-19 being the cherry on top.
Using the cover of mass confusion and "terrorists" to roll out the military/alphabet agents on American's using gun registries and internet logs/lists...
Think c-19 "hotspots"
Confiscation won't be attempted except where perceived as least difficult, blue states.
Unknown actual number of guns in private hands, 400 million, 500 million, ...?
Further made impossible by (kit builds, scratch builds, 3D printing, 80%).
Logistically not enough manpower to seize (~1.9 million military & LEO in USA) vs. 50 million, 100 million, ...?
They will try "disarm" by other means; insurance regs, "safe" storage laws, ammo restrictions, etc.
Action: Buy, Buy, Buy; ammo, kits and/or 80% part sets. Anything from the LGS is on a 4473 (future gun owner database).
Don't forget hand me downs from previous generations ! Numbers unknown .