posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +52 / -1

So here is why i believe Trump is willing to talk about the vaccine. So for the longest time we were followers of Trump. He was a rally point to unite a group. However just like always, humans took it to far and started to make him into a savior. The vaccibe is an issue many of us feel in our heart is wrong. By him making this move it forces us to re evaluate who we follow. Yes trump did so much for us, but he isnt Jesus. I still love the man but i have come to see i was followibg a man. Now he made this move who are we following. We are following our intuition. Our sub conscious mind telling us to not do it. Yet we are still united. A group united behind there intuition, free thinking, and love is way better thab a group following a man. The enemy has no one to attack because our feeling comes from God and no one can take on God. Just my thoughts. Love u all