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ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 2: Programming December 21, 2021

Programming The “Whole Child” and “Whole Family” Through Obedience Training There is a program that has billions of dollars pouring into it while everyone is focused on CRT and other agendas. That program is being used as the doorway to instill obedience training through children, families, communities, and businesses. They have managed to grow this beast so large over the past five years with few realizing just how big it is. That program is called “Social and Emotional Learning” (SEL), with language used to “SELL” parents on the mental health and wellbeing of their children in a time where children are desperately struggling due to the manufactured Covid mandates and restrictions. What most people are missing, who are aware of SEL, is the fact that it is the basis for a complete mind control system, soon to be equipped with virtual and augmented reality, that penetrates every area of everyone’s lives, while building a digital, global citizenship workforce with lifelong learning (obedience training). They are utilizing children and the school system as the doorway to implement their full agenda, including monitoring and tracking, data collection, digital identity, and a social score system. It is all part and parcel, and they are distracting people with the curriculum itself, which narrows the focus from the overall agenda.

For the globalists behind these agendas, school is about shaping minds, regulating emotions, controlling behaviors, instilling twisted beliefs, and building an obedient workforce, while sculpting identities equipped with digital identifiers and developing tech that infinitely seeds minds. As with all of the globalists’ 2030 agendas and beyond, the details are in the “fluff.” They no longer have to dress up the language because they’ve already long-conditioned the minds of parents and educators to believe that “regulating emotions” of a child are necessary and helpful, or that changing their “character qualities” to be more “adaptable” is a must, or keeping their “behaviors” in check will help their mental health. How about “building their identity” because it’s so important that children are able to establish their “own” identity while being programmed as to what that identity should really look like? That’s a good one. Their idea of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” means one mindset – theirs, and that is how one allegedly feels they “belong.”

Though the “Social and Emotional Learning” programs were first created by the Collaborative on Academics, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) back in 1994, it took them years to purchase and prepare research material for policymakers to make it a global reality, and in 2016 millions were thrown into it, which quickly amassed into billions once Covid hit. They are now running these programs in over 110 countries, with a parallel agenda of “Spirituality in Education” worming its way into this obedience training.

Both of these programs were created by 4th generation cousins of the Rockefeller family. Eileen Rockefeller Growald is behind the Collaborative on Academics, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), and Steven C. Rockefeller Sr. is behind the Collaborative on Spirituality in Education (CSE)./

