The paste didn’t shorten anything, and I wonder if it is why the illness is two weeks in and no better.
So what actually is the difference in safety protocols in the horse paste?
The paste didn’t shorten anything, and I wonder if it is why the illness is two weeks in and no better.
So what actually is the difference in safety protocols in the horse paste?
I got the covid a couple months ago. We were in a buddies garage and two full vacced nurses got us all sick. That was a Thursday. Friday we found out they tested positive. My girlfriend and I immediately started the paste. Friday night we were with the same crowd except the nurses. Saturday morning we took another dose of the paste. Feeling fine so we went to another garage party Saturday night with a entire different crowd. Sunday we both really started feeling off. Monday sicker then shit. Lasted only two days, but I couldn't taste or smell nothing for three weeks. Everyone we were around Thursday and Friday got covid, but the crowd we were with Saturday night, not one of them got it from us. I truly believe the paste killed the virus's ability too spread by Saturday and shortened the span of the sickness. Add zinc, D3 and vitamin c and we had excellent results in my opinion.
ok, you took the actual animal version?
We had both and the whole reason for the thread was I was concerned I should’ve waited to get more human version.
Yes, I got it from a horse feed store. It was just plain, not apple flavored though.