Single Military aircraft same as this morning
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This was noted this morning. Aircraft back in the air. It landed in Manhattan KS. Also click on the icon near Dallas. what is that going to Deyten Airport?
Manhattan, KS is where Fort Riley is located! The Home of the Big Red One! I used to live 50 miles away in Eskridge, KS, and have visited Ft. Riley bunches of times.
Hope they got there big music festival back
You mean this one? is the one I posted about this morning. Either visiting Ft. Carson or Cheyenne Mtn. Complex now.
Expand the view to see the straight multiple lines.
That's a normal number but it's unusual to be used,normal it's the call sign of the pilot something much easier to say.
Not unusual. 08 is year of manufacture, 3178 is the tail number.
Was the same plane, yes. Landed near Ft. Riley in KS, now at Colorado Springs (near Cheyenne Mountain Complex and Ft. Carson). INTERDASTING.
I used to live near a reserve base that flew those rigs, they told me some silly stories about flying all the way across the country to keep current on hours just to make a short trip once there transporting spare parts for their counterparts on the other coast. Don't think that everything is always a thing with them.
Back in the air AGAIN, heading West. Busy plane today.
I wonder if bringing some NG home from DC for Christmas?
As of right now there are only a handful showing up globally. It seems eerily quiet.
Last stop just South of Seattle.