Not ALL brands have notches at every 50 pounds. I have a brand that has a notch at 250 pounds so please qualify that CERTAIN brands notch at 50 lbs. I have used both and I prefer the 50 lb. notches but I just have to do my best with the other brands. It doesn't have to be perfect because you can double or triple dose if needed according to the protocols by FLCCC depending on your condition. Also the horse paste AND the human pills are BOTH dosed at .2 mg/kg. So just take it according to your weight. You can convert your weight to kilograms for the pills. The plunger adapts to pounds so just use the plunger to determine your minimum dose determined by your weight in pounds. You don't need to be a math whiz.
All you have to do is use the plunger to dose out the ivermectin paste according to your weight. Believe me all the math is done. You are being dosed the same as a horse...according to weight.... .2mg/kg. That is the same as the pills. If you want to double or triple the dose just double or triple your weight on the plunger.
Not ALL brands have notches at every 50 pounds. I have a brand that has a notch at 250 pounds so please qualify that CERTAIN brands notch at 50 lbs. I have used both and I prefer the 50 lb. notches but I just have to do my best with the other brands. It doesn't have to be perfect because you can double or triple dose if needed according to the protocols by FLCCC depending on your condition. Also the horse paste AND the human pills are BOTH dosed at .2 mg/kg. So just take it according to your weight. You can convert your weight to kilograms for the pills. The plunger adapts to pounds so just use the plunger to determine your minimum dose determined by your weight in pounds. You don't need to be a math whiz.
All you have to do is use the plunger to dose out the ivermectin paste according to your weight. Believe me all the math is done. You are being dosed the same as a horse...according to weight.... .2mg/kg. That is the same as the pills. If you want to double or triple the dose just double or triple your weight on the plunger.