Working Hard was the norm on the Farms in the mid west. My Grandmother worked her butt off. Milked cows, Sold milk, Made butter for sale, fed Chickens, Sold eggs, Dressed out Chickens for dinner, Tended the Garden & Orchard, Canned everything you can think of, Made Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner to feed everybody.
2 Aunts drove tractor and worked harder in the field than most men. Everybody in the 50's including the Kids worked their butts off on the Farm.
Both my grandmother's worked...
In the 50’s ? it was not the norm
Working Hard was the norm on the Farms in the mid west. My Grandmother worked her butt off. Milked cows, Sold milk, Made butter for sale, fed Chickens, Sold eggs, Dressed out Chickens for dinner, Tended the Garden & Orchard, Canned everything you can think of, Made Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner to feed everybody. 2 Aunts drove tractor and worked harder in the field than most men. Everybody in the 50's including the Kids worked their butts off on the Farm.
Yeah the stay at home weird wife is an invention of feminist radicals in the 70s to caricaturize a straw woman.
Yes it was in the cities and among the ethnic