Yesterday I drove through the state of missouri on I-70 and they were spraying chemtrails east-west across the whole state. I only saw one north-south trail closer to kansas but there were times I could see 3/4/5 aircraft spraying trails both north and south. Even when I couldn't see them spraying, the trails were visible for hours of driving.
Anybody know what kind of weather mods that would be for?
My main info guy ( Charlie Freak ) has said there are no ‘bad’ chem trails now because white hats are in control. I believe there may be some good trails to help wake the masses. I think we are close to some really good things starting. Great time to be alive : )
Here are a few sites that discuss the different types of "sprays" in chemtrails:
"Geoengineering watch"
"List of chemtrails types, symptoms, and components"
"What do Chemtrails contain"
if you pay attention to trails you'll notice they start off as an apparent jet exhaust line and over hours come to appear as significant clouds. what you witnessed is typical in my experience of all chemtrails. anything exhausting from a jet that disappears from sight over a matter of minutes is likely true exhaust from petroleum combustion, although it's also not unreasonable to imagine that even these "trails" contain chemicals meant to harm and/or control us
the patterns were in the air for over three hours and you could watch them forming clouds that blocked out sunlight
I've witnessed them last the entire afternoon. it's only because I'm paying attention. most assume it's just regular "natural" clouds
Tells you everything you need to know