posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +34 / -0

2022 is here. A fresh year with new fresh potential. I don't know about u guys but i feel so pumped about this new year. I truly feel good things are coming this year. I know many of us have come upon a new found drive to improve ourself. Its also motivating to know u are improving yourself with others.. so if your a prayer warrior or just genuinely wanna improve, then this message is for u. To all that would like to take part here is the 2022 year of prayer plan:

  1. Pray first thing when u wake up. Pray for 1 min at 8pm eastern daily

  2. read bible for 10 min each day

  3. find someone on .win u can pray for or help lift up each day

We can always do more but this is our baseline. If we all do our part great things will happen. I hope you wi join

Heavenly Father we love you so much. Please allow others to feel the heart in my words and to humbly join in with this movement. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

If you are joining in please share some thoughts in the comments. We are in this together. Love u all