The CDC says toxoplasmosis is the leading cause of death due to food borne illness and claims over 40 million US men, women and children carry it. Why is this not something we are actively trying to prevent and protect from? And why don’t more doctors care about this?
many people choose to become a medical Doctor for the Same reason folks go into make money and become RICH!! OUR GOVERNMENT doesn't give bonuses to Doctors for a positive diagnosis of parasites. Besides the Love of Money......where is the motivation to save lives from anything other than COVID-19? Obesity, diabetes, cancer, mental illness, drug addiction do not take priority over COVID and the many variant viruses to come. Who cares if fentanyl killed more people in 2020 than COVID-19!! Vaccines are more important than the "health and security" of human lives. Our great President Brandon has been very clear about his message to the American People: Get the damn vaccines and boosters you stupid bastards!! For the love of Lucifrase and Bill & Melinda "Man Hands" Gates GO GET A VAXX JAB NOW TODAY ESPECIALLY WHITE PEOPLE BEING THAT YOU ARE BORN RACIST AGAINST BLACK N BROWN PEOPLE!! GET THE JAB OR LOSE YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!!! LETS GO BRANDON
The CDC says toxoplasmosis is the leading cause of death due to food borne illness and claims over 40 million US men, women and children carry it. Why is this not something we are actively trying to prevent and protect from? And why don’t more doctors care about this?
many people choose to become a medical Doctor for the Same reason folks go into make money and become RICH!! OUR GOVERNMENT doesn't give bonuses to Doctors for a positive diagnosis of parasites. Besides the Love of Money......where is the motivation to save lives from anything other than COVID-19? Obesity, diabetes, cancer, mental illness, drug addiction do not take priority over COVID and the many variant viruses to come. Who cares if fentanyl killed more people in 2020 than COVID-19!! Vaccines are more important than the "health and security" of human lives. Our great President Brandon has been very clear about his message to the American People: Get the damn vaccines and boosters you stupid bastards!! For the love of Lucifrase and Bill & Melinda "Man Hands" Gates GO GET A VAXX JAB NOW TODAY ESPECIALLY WHITE PEOPLE BEING THAT YOU ARE BORN RACIST AGAINST BLACK N BROWN PEOPLE!! GET THE JAB OR LOSE YOUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!!! LETS GO BRANDON