Just found out my work is mandating the vax by February. I could really use some prayer and if anyone can share some successful religious exemption it would really help. Not losing faith i know God will provide.
Heavenly Father we love you so much. Please look after me while i go thru what ever is about to take place. Fill me with peace and wisdom so i may stay Christ focused thruout. Let my boss feel my heart and soul and accept my religious exemption. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen
Here is a detailed step-by-step guideline if you scroll down the page. https://www.covidcon21.com/index.php/employee-mandates-what-you-can-do/ I heard about this on a podcast with Dr. Henry Ealy and he claims to have seen success with this method. You declare your religious exemption and back it up with law.
Another resource is https://lc.org/exempt . Liberty Counsel is run by Mat Staver and this was recommended by Dr. Peter McCullough on his podcast.
I do not have any personal experience, but hopefully these can help.
Thank you for this God bless u.