Clif High Says We Have 18 More Years To Go Before We Win This War. Thoughts? God, I Hope He’s Wrong!
Clif High was on with David Rodriguez when he said this. He said we should get creative and find a way to provide for ourselves the things we need and enjoy the next two decades.
I hope he’s wrong about that. That’s a bit depressing. Any other Patriot predictions?
I've heard him talk about this several times and IIRC he doesn't mean it will take 18 years to win the war, but rather that 18 years will pass before we've managed to completely clean up the mess that's been caused by the cabal and recreate a thriving society.
I recall this as well. The guys is brilliant and knows a lot. To the OP, keep in mind that all his data is based on linguistics data being compiled over years from the early 90s. If you give me a set of data then I can provide an output result in any direction. His predictions are based on most logical and lowest +/- deviation. Dates are ranging. He didn’t predict 650 silver in December, he said it could be by as soon as end of 2021. I am an economist and all the data points to move from the fed reserve notes to “gold will end the fed” to a blockchain tech future is highly plausible but it would need for silver to be higher than 650/oz. Could be months, could be a year. Just like Q and Juan O Savin, no dates but specific events need to happen.