All vaccines are worthless. There is no real data to support any of them. All the trials are rigged, and all based off of antibody response which has been thoroughly deboonked.
Most of the ingredients have never been through proper safety trials by themselves, let alone mixed with other carciogenic/neurotoxic substances and then injected into humans/animals.
Anyone looking for more info on vaccines
Robert Koch was the first to obtain a pure culture of anthrax germs, responsible for the cattle and sheep disease, and Pasteur made a vaccine from it by reducing the power of germs. Many historians call that the first vaccine in history, as if Jenner and the Orientals had never existed. At any rate, an immediate controversy between Pasteur and Koch ensued, each one accusing the other of plagiarism.
Pasteur then proceeded to develop a vaccine against rabies, or hydrophobia, which may represent the most disconcerting case in the entire disconcerting field of vaccines.
Only an infinitesimal percentage of people bitten by a rabid animal catch the infection. But if it develops, it is supposed to be always mortal. So to be safe, everybody who has been bitten by an animal suspected to be rabid gets the special treatment developed originally by Pasteur. But sometimes the vaccinated person dies anyway. In that case the death is attributed to a defective vaccine. But often it has been demonstrated that the vaccine and not the bite caused the infection—for instance when the animal later on turned out to be healthy. Even if the animal is rabid, the bite very seldom causes the infection—and never causes it if the normal hygienic rules are followed, like the immediate washing out of the wound with water.
All vaccines are worthless. There is no real data to support any of them. All the trials are rigged, and all based off of antibody response which has been thoroughly deboonked. Most of the ingredients have never been through proper safety trials by themselves, let alone mixed with other carciogenic/neurotoxic substances and then injected into humans/animals. NO VACCINE MANUFACTURERS ARE LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE VACCINES THEY PRODUCE! Anyone looking for more info on vaccines
-Dissolving Illusions
-the moth in the iron lung
-millers review of critical vaccine studies
-vaccination is not immunization-tim oshea
Sorry for the formatting i have fat thumbs... :)
Rabies vaccine works :) But we don't give it to everyone, why is that?
Robert Koch was the first to obtain a pure culture of anthrax germs, responsible for the cattle and sheep disease, and Pasteur made a vaccine from it by reducing the power of germs. Many historians call that the first vaccine in history, as if Jenner and the Orientals had never existed. At any rate, an immediate controversy between Pasteur and Koch ensued, each one accusing the other of plagiarism.
Pasteur then proceeded to develop a vaccine against rabies, or hydrophobia, which may represent the most disconcerting case in the entire disconcerting field of vaccines.
Only an infinitesimal percentage of people bitten by a rabid animal catch the infection. But if it develops, it is supposed to be always mortal. So to be safe, everybody who has been bitten by an animal suspected to be rabid gets the special treatment developed originally by Pasteur. But sometimes the vaccinated person dies anyway. In that case the death is attributed to a defective vaccine. But often it has been demonstrated that the vaccine and not the bite caused the infection—for instance when the animal later on turned out to be healthy. Even if the animal is rabid, the bite very seldom causes the infection—and never causes it if the normal hygienic rules are followed, like the immediate washing out of the wound with water.
Hans Ruesch (Slaughter of the Innocent)