Okay, I don’t have some fancy proof that COVID is the “keystone” mentioned by Q. But here’s the deal…NEVER before have we had any topic that was of such interest, effecting our society SO massively on an on-going basis that had such an abundance of refuting evidence as we have now, at this moment in time.
9/11 came and went, and eventually people forgot about how weird and crazy it was, since they weren’t forced to remember it every friggin day and every friggin place they went to, as we are now experiencing with COVID.
COVID is at the forefront of our collective minds, and now, especially now, people simply CANNOT call us conspiracy theorists if we’re citing people like RFK Jr., Dr. Malone, etc. (or maybe they WILL call you a conspiracy theorist” and then realize how stupid that term is once they’ve been rightfully challenged).
Challenge your friends and family. Do it, place friendly bets, buy digital $3 books of RFK’s book for them if necessary (after all, he’s a democrat, and isn’t friendly to Trump!), WHATEVER it takes to challenge their comfy way of thinking. No time has ever been better than now, and once they realize they have been deceived, there’s no stopping.
Maybe you’re like me, and you’re thinking about printing little red pill cards or fliers and placing them in public places? Let’s do it! This is the time to take action.
I believe that the vaccine is the shot heard around the world.
It is an unsafe failure that has killed hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, and all the bad guys are desperately trying to keep that hidden from the normies.
I haven't been waiting for anything. I've been a digital soldier against it since I first found out how dangerous it is.