posted ago by Charlesmelissa ago by Charlesmelissa +27 / -0

Here we learn that SARS-CoV-2 is not even a virus - it is a chimera.

SARS-CoV-2 is a spike protein vaccine that was engineered to be attached to the original SARS virus.

SARS-CoV-2 is a contagious bat vaccine that spreads via aerosol.

— According to James O'Keefe's documents, COVID was originally a spike protein vaccine for bats that Fauci attached to the original SARS virus which caused it to become aerosolized and super contagious.

Fauci worked closely with China to create this chimera.

— Fauci created a spike protein bat vaccine. Fauci attached the bat vaccine to SARS. Fauci's bat vaccine became aerosolized. Fauci's bat vaccine was leaked by accident(?) Fauci's bat vaccine spreads quickly around the world. Fauci's bat vaccine is named "SARS-CoV-2" and becomes the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fauci lies and says he didn't do anything. MSM and Big Tech work overtime to cover up all information showing US involvement in creation of Covid-19.

— How covid-19 happened:

Bats are sick. Lets vaccinate the bats. Bats dont like being vaccinated. Lets attach the bat vaccine to SARS then just spray the vaccine on the bats. The spray didnt work. Bats still aren't vaccinated. Oops... this "vaccine" can attach to humans. Better be careful. Lets keep working on this in China... just in case. Oops... the "vaccine" escaped the lab.