Fuck. I’m a unvaxed healthcare worker. Bout to lose my job now. Fuck SCOTUS! Fucking crazy how out of every job I could have done, mine happens to be the one singled out. Maybe for the better. I’m sick of being nice and professional.
Go work for a private practice that doesn't accept Medicare or Medicaid.
Problem solved. The healthcare worker mandate only applies if your employer accepts Medicare or Medicaid payments.
Hopefully concierge care becomes the new standard as free thinking doctors and nurses escape the hospital systems that have killed off tens of thousands of Americans under the guise of providing "standard" care.
It's a lot easier to get sheep and mindless drones to kill off patients with Remdesevir and ventilators than people with critical thinking skills and a conscience. Just tell the sheep "you're saving lives" and they believe it. A person with half a brain and a conscience will feel awful about what they are doing. In fact most of those have quit already.
Fuck. I’m a unvaxed healthcare worker. Bout to lose my job now. Fuck SCOTUS! Fucking crazy how out of every job I could have done, mine happens to be the one singled out. Maybe for the better. I’m sick of being nice and professional.
Go work for a private practice that doesn't accept Medicare or Medicaid.
Problem solved. The healthcare worker mandate only applies if your employer accepts Medicare or Medicaid payments.
Hopefully concierge care becomes the new standard as free thinking doctors and nurses escape the hospital systems that have killed off tens of thousands of Americans under the guise of providing "standard" care.
It's a lot easier to get sheep and mindless drones to kill off patients with Remdesevir and ventilators than people with critical thinking skills and a conscience. Just tell the sheep "you're saving lives" and they believe it. A person with half a brain and a conscience will feel awful about what they are doing. In fact most of those have quit already.