Subconscious programming. 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by flatissmooth ago by flatissmooth +13 / -1

I am a loony toon longer than the day but I have had this just barely missing conjoined corners of my mind. It just hit 90 degrees and I gotta ask a bunch of internet people. This is only one example but I will suggest conscious listening to the radio when you choose to to see this in action. Consider attention spans, if we could measure mine is shortest so I win please carry on... When we have control of what we are listening to this is probably less likely but I have done it to myself with an iPod years ago.


If you care, this is a two and a half hour long playlist of '90s songs, some I do not recall having ever heard others have been "my jam" more than once with proper liquid encouragement, cheers! What I wish to bring to attention is how the content changes, back and forth. Love and hate, cold resentment. Again, I have noticed this with local broadcasts as well. I am curious about possible suggestions as to why this might be, though I have my own ideas as well.