An Indian friend of mine who is vaxxed SWEARS that HQC and iver aren't doing anything and are just being pushed by Indian pharma companies to sell more
As someone whose father traveled there and many other countries where English is prevalent, many of the medicines and supplies he would acquire would be dual language like that. Check the pictures further down in the article, you'll see more text in Hindi, most likely in the inside pamphlet or other side of the card. That being said, English is less prevalent in Uttar Pradesh than other regions of India, so if really could go either way. I used to get prescription drugs from India all the time, and there was plenty of English text on the packages as well.
I've heard several people try to explain how Uttar Pradesh is an outlier because of bad data. All deaths apparently stopped during that time period, including from car accidents and other forms of death as well, which made the effect of the drug seem greater in that district that it really was. I'm still of the opinion ivermectin has some benefit, but I don't think Uttar Pradesh is the bombshell Dr. Malone thinks it is.
Edit: I do appreciate this post, however. I was not aware the ivermectin was confirmed to be in the care packages. It's awesome to see the exact breakdowns of what was in there.
These woke doctors are programmed that India can't keep track properly; and/or they lie.
They will perform Olympic level hoop jumping to maintain their cognitive dissonance.
An Indian friend of mine who is vaxxed SWEARS that HQC and iver aren't doing anything and are just being pushed by Indian pharma companies to sell more
I am sceptical of the English language on the label of that purported package.
I wonder if your friend has any insight? As much as I want to believe, this feels off to me.
As someone whose father traveled there and many other countries where English is prevalent, many of the medicines and supplies he would acquire would be dual language like that. Check the pictures further down in the article, you'll see more text in Hindi, most likely in the inside pamphlet or other side of the card. That being said, English is less prevalent in Uttar Pradesh than other regions of India, so if really could go either way. I used to get prescription drugs from India all the time, and there was plenty of English text on the packages as well.
Thanks for the insight!
I've heard several people try to explain how Uttar Pradesh is an outlier because of bad data. All deaths apparently stopped during that time period, including from car accidents and other forms of death as well, which made the effect of the drug seem greater in that district that it really was. I'm still of the opinion ivermectin has some benefit, but I don't think Uttar Pradesh is the bombshell Dr. Malone thinks it is.
Edit: I do appreciate this post, however. I was not aware the ivermectin was confirmed to be in the care packages. It's awesome to see the exact breakdowns of what was in there.
Lecture with timestamp from Dr. Nick Mark