Gay man here talking. Been with Q since the beginning. There are just as many heterosexual opportunities for your son to have in school. If he’s kissing a boy there’s a good chance that your son might be gay. There’s nothing wrong with him, there’s nothing wrong with you. Creating a bunch of wrongness is going to weave judgement, against ness and rejection into the space where God wants there to be love, connection, family. Don’t loose family for an idea. I bet you don’t freak out this much about a pork sandwich and the Bible is pretty explicit about that too. Jesus didn’t condemn the gays, he condemned the Pharisees who put money and ideology before love and humanity. Just lobe you son. As he is. As God made him. He will navigate just fine. Love and acceptance that is Jesus’s way. Trust in that. Trying to argue with what is will tie you in knots and drive a wedge in your loving family. He may be straight too. You’ll know when he knows. Leave the parasite meds for covid.
Gay man here talking. Been with Q since the beginning. There are just as many heterosexual opportunities for your son to have in school. If he’s kissing a boy there’s a good chance that your son might be gay. There’s nothing wrong with him, there’s nothing wrong with you. Creating a bunch of wrongness is going to weave judgement, against ness and rejection into the space where God wants there to be love, connection, family. Don’t loose family for an idea. I bet you don’t freak out this much about a pork sandwich and the Bible is pretty explicit about that too. Jesus didn’t condemn the gays, he condemned the Pharisees who put money and ideology before love and humanity. Just lobe you son. As he is. As God made him. He will navigate just fine. Love and acceptance that is Jesus’s way. Trust in that. Trying to argue with what is will tie you in knots and drive a wedge in your loving family. He may be straight too. You’ll know when he knows. Leave the parasite meds for covid.
Thank you for being empathic