Why is the post office sending people free Covid tests??
I mean, seriously, what is in it for them? Does the government want to get rid of them or something? Do they want false positives? Overstock? Data capture?? Maybe they want to finally end this pandemic and just get rid of all these tests?? I don’t know, it really blows my mind that USPS is distributing free Covid tests… very awkward and fishy
More test = More positive results. More positive results = More "cases" (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic) More cases = More fear. More fear = More control.
See how it works? Simple, really.
I get that concept but if people are taking the test at home then the positive results aren’t being reported as they would if you went to a urgent care or CVS or local testing spot. That’s were I’m confused how this would help their agenda since the reporting wouldn’t been done?
I don't know how these at-home tests works, but if they work anything like at-home drug tests, you send back your test sample in a pre-paid postage container included in the test kit.
The test gives you a preliminary result, then a confirmatory result from the lab. That's where the data collection/reporting would be done.
Negative. These At home PCR test are providing results within 15 minutes, they are similar to at home testings. The results are provided direct to the user
USPS website says they're giving away disposable rapid tests, which display results within minutes on the spot. No need or way to send to a lab for confirmation.