is up an running for free covid tests. Not that I give two shits, but I want to know what's on the swabs. Does anyone have high powered microscopes that could test the swabs or determine the EO levels?
Comments (17)
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Why not use your own swab? It tests the sample ON the swab and NOT the contents OF the swab…right?
I dont plan on taking one period. I just want to know what's on the swab
i plan to swab a coconut
Return to sender
something as always feels off - I've gotten the link from no less than 15 people in my contacts today - some of whom I havent talked to in 12+ months. I get that people are trying to do the "right" thing by spreading the message but it seems like a new viral thing happening.
But I asked - wait now the Government has enough test to give FOUR kits to every household in America but less than two weeks ago there were no tests to be found anywhere and lines were wrapping around clinics? Then I was promptly asked to leave one group chat and another person just replied "thanks for being an asshole and not helping"
You should reply. “Sure... you just get on that cattle train car and I’m sure everything will be okay.” Lemmings don’t question the directives passed down to them; they just obey dutifully.
Yes logically how could they have produced hundreds millions tests within last few weeks? Answer is they didn’t, they’ve had them somewhere and didn’t use them for Christmas for whatever reason but feel need to use now. Something is not adding up with this whole thing.
I saw a video of someone running the test under their kitchen sink tap water and it came back as covid positive lol
Seems like it’s a saliva test and not a swab. Looks like a pregnancy test you piss on.
K I put in my order, I'm going to investigate these things.
Awesome! I'm thinking of testing some barbecue sauce to verify it's safe. If I make ribs for dinner I don't want to accidentally unleash a new BBQ variant.
This is how we science.
My friend bought 56 tests because her insurance reimburses her 8 tests per person a month . Doing her part to take tests out of circulation haha
Just throw away
Let me iterate that I don't plan on using them at all. I just want to know what people are actually stabbing their noses with.
I think that fine point went over people’s heads here. Maybe you could link some old posts about how the swabs back then had some “moving parts” in them. Viewed under a microscope back then - at least according to what some claimed - it was interesting. Some people here are new and probably unaware of those claims way back when. Just a suggestion.
They just want your DNA for Ch Y na