542 Just fired from my Job of 28+ years over face masks (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Damn-dirty-apes 3 years ago by Damn-dirty-apes +542 / -0 127 comments download share 127 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I wouldn't say, "Great!", exactly. I do respect your decision. Do you have anything lined up for work?
Gonna take a little break and decompress, luckily I can afford to.
Have a casual chat with an employment attorney while you relax.
They never answered anyone of my calls or messages.
Yea that place is trash, and so is anyone who recommends them
Others have already stated the obvious. Contact an attorney and begin the process. Cussing isn’t going to default your lawsuit. Admit to it, leave out nothing and get ready fren.