There is a major schism in the Catholic Church right now between the more Traditional side and the left wing Francis movement.
Vigano is fighting against the radical left wing, both in and out of the Church. He is a good, humble man. I trust him because he is brave enough to step out and speak publicly against evil.
No, there is a Marxist counterfeit church eclipsing the Catholic Church. Bergoglio is its leader. This false prophesied church has its own council, mass, catechism, popes, saints, CCL, rosary, calendar, devotions, sacraments, rites. Research Bella Dodd and the Communist infiltration; this includes the sodomy, pedophilia, Lavender Mafia. (There is no such thing as a “traditional” Catholic. There are Catholics and there are heretics.)
There is a major schism in the Catholic Church right now between the more Traditional side and the left wing Francis movement.
Vigano is fighting against the radical left wing, both in and out of the Church. He is a good, humble man. I trust him because he is brave enough to step out and speak publicly against evil.
No, there is a Marxist counterfeit church eclipsing the Catholic Church. Bergoglio is its leader. This false prophesied church has its own council, mass, catechism, popes, saints, CCL, rosary, calendar, devotions, sacraments, rites. Research Bella Dodd and the Communist infiltration; this includes the sodomy, pedophilia, Lavender Mafia. (There is no such thing as a “traditional” Catholic. There are Catholics and there are heretics.)
This is the only book that people need to understand how the Marxists took over the Catholic Church: Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within
Marshall hasn’t separated from the very “church” he condemns tho. He’s R&R
What’s R&R?
I don’t care about ad hominem attacks on the person delivering information; I care about encountering information itself.
And that book is spot on.