Why yes, we ARE aware of your Liberal Left Wing(nut) Arguing Checklist tactics.
1 Skim until Offended
2 Disqualify that Opinion/Facts [States opposing case with little/no supporting evidence]
3 Attack, Attack, Attack [Ad Hominem/Name Calling]
4 Change the Narrative [Criticises "tone" without addressing substance, You hurt my feelings/other topic]
5 Disregard Inconvenient Facts
6 Use only anecdotal emotional/compromise arguments
7 Make S#!t Up [Example: Climate Change, Denies Election Fraud, Claims We're not Post-Racial]
8 Resort to Moral Equivalency
9 Concern Trolling
10 When all else fails, "ISM!"...Racism, Sexism, Sexualism
This handy list was provided to me by a Fren in a friendly discussion, thought it could help!
I am bad at lists