She has never seemed sexier to me. I’m making a baby tonight.
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I have not read it yet, can someone explain the poison food for me??
All processed good is poison. Vegetable oil and sugar causes heat disease, diabetes, and cancer. Fluoride (in your water) is a neurotoxin that stunts IQ. Not to mention the chlorine, which is even worse when vaporized... Like in he shower... Hello, mustard gas chamber. The iodine in table salt is synthetic and doesn't help your thyroid. I could go on and on.
I read about the shower thing a long time ago. That has always worried me and I love taking a long shower.. what is the best way to fix this? Some filter system I'm sure, but that sounds expensive.
You can try taking a bath and detoxing the water with peroxide first. Just make sure to vent the room for the chlorine off-gassing. Otherwise, a really good filter is your only bet. I don't have any recommendations because I've never had to live on city water.