posted ago by OneMoreTim3 ago by OneMoreTim3 +15 / -2

Not much is known about Putin. People marvel as to how he came from no where. His predecessor Boris Yesltsin was called the returning Tsar.

Some claim he was of the Tsar bloodline. The same family that was murdered and annihilated by the khazarian bolsheviks as revenge for destroying their empire forcing King Bulan and the khazarian royals to flee to Europe.

This khazarian bloodline is said to include the Rothschilds and many of the "jewish" power figures known today as well as the black nobility families.

The same that created the illuminati, warped freemasonry, catholicism, etc.

They creates communism as a foundation to destroy countries in the name of "the people" . Divide and conquer.

They created the color revolution know as the bolshevik revolution and exacted their revenge on Russia and the Tsar family bloodline.

....now. wouldnt it be interesting if Putin was of that bloodline. And Putin was destroying the khazarian families once and for all? Not revenge but rather retribution. Cleaning the world of the evil babylonian cult that Russia was unable to effectiey eradicate in previous times?

How does he know who they are? Symbolism. They tracked em online and got everything. Caught everyone of them who flaunted their villainy in hubris.

I cant say this is all true or any of it really. The khzarian Mafia has been almost fully wiped from the history books. I suspect much of it is true. And i hope Putin is of the line of Tsars and has come to take retribution.