Ex aussie army veteran here. This time frame is totally out of the ordinary. Normally these type of activities would be run for a few weeks to a month max. To have it run for 11 months is like WTF? SASR is based in Perth, Swanbourne, so the exercises over there make some sense as they are the chicken stranglers we would normally use for this sort of thing. The Commando regt is based in Sydney so that could be the reason for the Sydney exercises, that and it is a nice big fat target with lots of high profile sites.
Have you heard Ricardo Bossi? He claimed he was working with military and that they already have turned many of the politicians and elites. He was former military and said that things were going to get dicey for a bit over there as they make arrests and his predicted time-frame overlaps with these dates pretty accurately.
Yeah, I have heard of him and watched a number of his videos and interviews. I want to like him, but there is something about him that I am not sure of. I can't put my finger on it, but something just doesn't feel right about him.
I have class mates from Duntroon who live and work in Canberra in and amongst the government depts. They don't seem to think that anything like this is going on and they are on our side. I wish it was true, but I just get this feeling that Bossi is a bit full of him self.
I would like to see him come out and give some support to the United Aust Party, but Bossi is too busy pushing his own Australia One Party. I don't see his party being able to have any impact other than to dilute votes, whereas the UAP could actually make some real impact and is running candidates in all seats.
However, if the whole system is fucking rigged, as we seem to think it is, then what difference does any of this make?
Ex aussie army veteran here. This time frame is totally out of the ordinary. Normally these type of activities would be run for a few weeks to a month max. To have it run for 11 months is like WTF? SASR is based in Perth, Swanbourne, so the exercises over there make some sense as they are the chicken stranglers we would normally use for this sort of thing. The Commando regt is based in Sydney so that could be the reason for the Sydney exercises, that and it is a nice big fat target with lots of high profile sites.
Have you heard Ricardo Bossi? He claimed he was working with military and that they already have turned many of the politicians and elites. He was former military and said that things were going to get dicey for a bit over there as they make arrests and his predicted time-frame overlaps with these dates pretty accurately.
Yeah, I have heard of him and watched a number of his videos and interviews. I want to like him, but there is something about him that I am not sure of. I can't put my finger on it, but something just doesn't feel right about him.
I have class mates from Duntroon who live and work in Canberra in and amongst the government depts. They don't seem to think that anything like this is going on and they are on our side. I wish it was true, but I just get this feeling that Bossi is a bit full of him self.
I would like to see him come out and give some support to the United Aust Party, but Bossi is too busy pushing his own Australia One Party. I don't see his party being able to have any impact other than to dilute votes, whereas the UAP could actually make some real impact and is running candidates in all seats.
However, if the whole system is fucking rigged, as we seem to think it is, then what difference does any of this make?