If you have a normal protest, where crowds gather and stand around, Soros can hire drug-addicted Antifa types to disrupt, and turn the whole thing into a complete disaster.
Which is why the Trump boat parades were so successful. None of the Antifa people that live with their parents, or homeless drug addicts have boats, or would know how to drive a boat even if Soros arranged them. The Trump supporters had nothing to fear.
The Truck convoy is similar. Antifa can't compete with their own force of trucks. The only thing they could do is try to attack people who are sitting in a gigantic metal vehicle. And if they did, the optics would be all wrong. A man sitting peacefully in his truck, while this lunatic attacks. How could you spin this to make the trucker the aggressor? Even CNN would have a tough time doing that.
And antifa are dumb but I doubt many are that dumb to try to attack a huge truck. Most people would be afraid to do that.
I would please ask that you look up the Watts riots in the early 90s in Los Angeles county. Antifa doesn't have the guts but the real thugs do and they will attack trucks and they are attacking trucks. All across France and Central Europe African migrants are staging themselves on bridges and narrow highways and attacking trucks by throwing down trees and rocks in the road to disable them.