Kratom is an herb used for pain management and to keep people off harder painkillers like heroin or similar opiates. It has a mild to moderate pain reducing effect, and can be addictive, but with less overdose potential as compared with other drugs like heroin.
Given how harmful alcohol is while being legal, in comparison kratom seems to have a much more moderate capacity for causing harm, and thus in my view ought to remain legal. Certainly I do not encourage people to abuse the herb, but would like to see more research done on it and think it could be useful in moderation like alcohol can be.
What do you think of kratom and should it be kept legal?
Kratom also is habbit forming, and must be controlled. Not by government, controlled by the user. This is an opiate cousin, so it does still light up that dopemine receptor, and trashes it over time especially if abused. Not saying its a bad resource...not by any means. This simply isnt as innocuous others make it seem. :D
100000000% Agree, I was by no means trying to vilify kratom, it is a useful tool. But over indulgence can lead one down a troubling path, simply because of the mechanics of the brain, and hormones :D. But I personally have know people to use Kratom to "cold turkey" Fent, and other pills. And it has worked tremendously, but it could be a bit habbit forming too. Because it became a compensation of one for the other, just the other doesnt make you die. And Kratom seems to be easier to "kick" in the long run. :D Leo for Longevity on Youtube has done many interesting videos about opiates and the dopeamine system. Great resource of information on many health topics :D
I agree with this, to me it's kind of like a gun: useful for protection, can cause harm if misused. Use with care and caution. But I think it should be legal, so you can have your own pain medicine available if needed, and to keep off harder drugs for those who fall in to the illegal drug abuses and then risk dying of overdose.