posted ago by Guy_Cross ago by Guy_Cross +10 / -0

We have many different types of Americans on this site: people of different races, sexes, ages, and religions (even lack of religion). What binds us all together, though, is our patriotism as Americans. We are the ones who understand how lucky we are to be a free man or woman. Unfortunately, about half of America doesn't align with us, in fact, they hate America. Many of us had noticed this America-hating trend develop throughout the last couple of decades. These 'American citizens' are quick to capitulate their national identity and advocate, whether consciously or subconsciously, for a global identity. They don't care for America's accomplishments, they only see its faults, yet fail to realize all countries have faults. This ideological divide is reaching its terminus...

Nationalists, who believe that sovereignty matters, and globalists, who believe that sovereignty isn't important and would be okay with it dissolving from existence, is the divide of our era. The next war isn't a civil war, no... it's deeper than that. The next war is a culture war. The Global Culture War that is barreling towards us cannot be diverted. Globalist forces have done too much damage to the fabric of our traditions, cultures, and sovereignty. The only sure and infallible manner in restoring these is to target and eliminate those who seek to displace the nation as the highest authority of a people. And it's only a matter of time before the first bullets begin flying. The working people of the world who don't subscribe to this globalist future are standing up in every nation, but that also fuels the fear of the globalists. You can only rule a tyranny through both fraud and force; once the fraud is expose, you can only rule through force. My friends, the fraud is being exposed worldwide at a rate never seen before, because of that the only solution that is slowly dawning upon the globalists in order to maintain control is to utilize force. This, unfortunately, means that someplace, somewhere, people in a large-scale protests will be killed by globalists forces acting out of fear of death. This moment seems incredibly closer than even I imagined, but now feels more like an inevitable, visceral reality that could occur at any moment now. Once this moment occurs, then the Global Culture War would have begun.

The future has now been told and only two paths exist for humanity: a free, democratic world of nations or a tyrannical, authoritarian global world order. When the armies of the future march for what they believe in, let us all hope that the outcome is the one that fosters free men and women.
