No oath of office, no oath of service, no oath of marriage? Oaths are important, with the caveat that the Still Small Voice has ultimate authority over your oath.
Why make a big ceremony over something that you either are or are not going to do? To garner trust from those that you make the oath in front of? If you cannot know what tomorrow will bring why promise yourself to it? Oath just means there is legal recourse if you do not live up to expectations. Granted, that can be all kinds of fun to watch it doesn't actually do anything but make it illegal for you to go against your word. Some instance, like marriage, have been given stipulations that allow one to exit if one or both have mislead the other but I fail to see how it needs to be a legal obligation requiring intervention. All an oath serves is the lawyers that will try your case if you are ever found to have broken the oath, willfully or otherwise.
Meanwhile, an oath to uphold the constitution stands as it is currently written... Citizens are classified as corporations and corporations are classified as people. That isn't constitutional in anyway shape or form, but go against the oath to defend that very clause and you will be facing legal repercussion.
Makes one feel special to make a promise though, I guess. I love to get myself into situations where I have no idea what is actually going on or what I have sworn to defend.
We are not to swear!
And Abraham said, I will swear. Gen 21:24
And Abraham isn't my God.
No oath of office, no oath of service, no oath of marriage? Oaths are important, with the caveat that the Still Small Voice has ultimate authority over your oath.
Why make a big ceremony over something that you either are or are not going to do? To garner trust from those that you make the oath in front of? If you cannot know what tomorrow will bring why promise yourself to it? Oath just means there is legal recourse if you do not live up to expectations. Granted, that can be all kinds of fun to watch it doesn't actually do anything but make it illegal for you to go against your word. Some instance, like marriage, have been given stipulations that allow one to exit if one or both have mislead the other but I fail to see how it needs to be a legal obligation requiring intervention. All an oath serves is the lawyers that will try your case if you are ever found to have broken the oath, willfully or otherwise.
Meanwhile, an oath to uphold the constitution stands as it is currently written... Citizens are classified as corporations and corporations are classified as people. That isn't constitutional in anyway shape or form, but go against the oath to defend that very clause and you will be facing legal repercussion.
Makes one feel special to make a promise though, I guess. I love to get myself into situations where I have no idea what is actually going on or what I have sworn to defend.