This is the second time I've seen this chant pasted over video. And again, video is selected and timed with the audio specifically so there's never a point you can see mouths in the crowd move in unism. They select video with quick back and forth pans/jerks.
This is some footbul/cricket/hockey/college football chant pasted over video. At best someone is chasing tiktok views. At worst the goal is to manipulate you into belief or action.
Guys, this is fake.
This is the second time I've seen this chant pasted over video. And again, video is selected and timed with the audio specifically so there's never a point you can see mouths in the crowd move in unism. They select video with quick back and forth pans/jerks.
This is some footbul/cricket/hockey/college football chant pasted over video. At best someone is chasing tiktok views. At worst the goal is to manipulate you into belief or action.
is there a "reverse image search" for audio?