Same here rooftop - my whole family is jabbed except my husband and me and my father - including 2 nieces and a nephew who are between 5 and 17.
In addition I am fighting my blackpilled husband on regular childhood vaccines for our 8month old. Showed him all the literature and sites I've read in here and he still wants tdap polio and mmr though I've talked him out of all the others. He agreed to delay until we are done breast-feeding. Right now, I'm hoping a flood of information and arrests happen before she's a year old that will finally convince him where I can't. He is highly logical and skeptical except for this one thing. None of the proofs have been definitive enough for him in weighing the cost vs death from the disease. I wish a guardian angel who isn't me could finish the job I've started.
Lots of good info there. He’s a vaccine expert and developer. Aaron Siri ( the main lawyer behind ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network) asks him some amazing questions and really digs into how safe these things really are and the holes in their studies etc...
Check out Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2
Here’s a study from June 2021 about Vaccines and SIDS
He has seen the study and agreed to wait because of it till she was past sids age and my breastmilk was no longer there to protect.. I don't want to fight but I will.. however a smoking gun on measles polio and whooping deaths from vax vs unvaxxed would help shut it down.
I pray it is reversible. My niece and nephews were jabbed.
Same here rooftop - my whole family is jabbed except my husband and me and my father - including 2 nieces and a nephew who are between 5 and 17.
In addition I am fighting my blackpilled husband on regular childhood vaccines for our 8month old. Showed him all the literature and sites I've read in here and he still wants tdap polio and mmr though I've talked him out of all the others. He agreed to delay until we are done breast-feeding. Right now, I'm hoping a flood of information and arrests happen before she's a year old that will finally convince him where I can't. He is highly logical and skeptical except for this one thing. None of the proofs have been definitive enough for him in weighing the cost vs death from the disease. I wish a guardian angel who isn't me could finish the job I've started.
Search for the 9 hour Plotkin deposition video.
Lots of good info there. He’s a vaccine expert and developer. Aaron Siri ( the main lawyer behind ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network) asks him some amazing questions and really digs into how safe these things really are and the holes in their studies etc...
Check out Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2
Here’s a study from June 2021 about Vaccines and SIDS
He has seen the study and agreed to wait because of it till she was past sids age and my breastmilk was no longer there to protect.. I don't want to fight but I will.. however a smoking gun on measles polio and whooping deaths from vax vs unvaxxed would help shut it down.