posted ago by bukkakelord59 ago by bukkakelord59 +28 / -0

A lot of posts I see on here are great material but then sometimes I see straight up FAKE NEWS posts getting upvoted with like 1 or 2 comments when the shit is CLEARLY fake. Just a little reminder to hold each other accountable and not just blindly upvote shit that lines up with our beliefs.

We all know the feds and glowies have accounts here, and they slowly insinuate themselves inside our ranks by throwing straight up outrageous ideas in the mix and then accusing you of shilling or some shit. Lets not go full retard and still retain our own thoughts and opinions without letting the CULTure of this community replace all basic common sense. Before you know it we're going to be going at each other instead of the DS and that's exactly how they want it