An eye for an eye style execution. Locked in solitary confinement, no outside comms or family visits, triple masked with permanent installation removed only for mealtime. 24/7 camera accessible to adults by internet. Victims and families allowed to record impact statements (no profanity) which prisoner must listen to. All his assets confiscated, with payouts to victims for medical care from vax damage and compensation for families whose loved ones died by vax. Prisoner receives Moderna shots plus endless boosters until death. No medical care for vaccine induced injuries. After all, shots are safe and effective. For cancelling Christmas, Christmas music will be continually piped into cell, interspersed with hearing recordings of his own voice spouting Covid lies. He won't last long.
An eye for an eye style execution. Locked in solitary confinement, no outside comms or family visits, triple masked with permanent installation removed only for mealtime. 24/7 camera accessible to adults by internet. Victims and families allowed to record impact statements (no profanity) which prisoner must listen to. All his assets confiscated, with payouts to victims for medical care from vax damage and compensation for families whose loved ones died by vax. Prisoner receives Moderna shots plus endless boosters until death. No medical care for vaccine induced injuries. After all, shots are safe and effective. For cancelling Christmas, Christmas music will be continually piped into cell, interspersed with hearing recordings of his own voice spouting Covid lies. He won't last long.