Kash Patel at CPAC with Devin Nunez….
Lady’s and Gentlemen, GRAB YOUR POPCORN !!🍿🍿🍿🍿
💥 B O O O O O M 💥
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The butter on my popcorn congealed and went rancid a long time ago. The only speech I care to see is one like Putin;s that is immediately follow by action. No Punisher socks, no coy social media posts referencing an information source that has been silent for a year, no cryptic anagrams or convoluted date math. Just decisive action. If you give a speech I expect at this point in time it needs to have John Durham's entrance music interrupt it and he better be leading a long line of arrested traitors to this nation.
So sorry everything isn’t meeting your deadlines.
That's just it, there are no deadlines, no further communication, just a bunch of cheerleaders positing about "suicide weekend" and "boom incoming", meanwhile real people are dying from vaccine side effects and seeing their buying power crushed and no serious penalties have been publicly faced by anybody yet.