So if the DS takes talking points and Narative changes from a firm called Impact Research, if we could get a copy of their mailing list and their letterhead.....we could have a lot of fun. Completely Hypothetically.
Not saying fraud or anything, just make some "memes" or something to change the skip covid talking points, just drop Ukrane comepletely, time to move on to UFOs, right now.
My brother just text me. The large corporation he works for had scrubbed all the covid narative off their intranet pages today. Previously it was all about covid.
I sent him the impact research page. He kek'd
I'm in favor.
I was kinda surprised to learn about Impact Research and even more surprised at how quickly the democrats jumped on what they were saying.
See that was my thoughts. If they're getting their marching orders and talking points from them, it would be horrible if they accidentally got the wrong update...from somewhere...